Looking For Players!

Are you A Player? Skeptic? or Cynic?  I'm looking for Players!


1.  Player:  Players are individuals who will thoroughy review this information and simply say "How do I get Started"?  Players see the true value in what we have to offer and want to be a part of it!  I am ready to  HELP YOU start your business or HELP YOU SAVE MONEY on Your Wireless Bill!


2.  Skeptic:  Skeptics are individuals who need to know everything there is to know about something before they can make a decision.  I was a Skeptic until I did all of my research, now its time for you to get all of your questions answered as well .... WirelessSavingsNmore.com or call me (Don Buxkemper) at 832-259-5746 or email me at savingsnmore@lightyearwireless.com.


3.  Cynic:  Cynics are always Negative People, don't like or appreciate change or doing something different.  They are followers and don't like to step outside of their comfort zone!  Whenever you get tired of overpaying for your wireless service and open your mind to other possibilities, you can always come back to WirelessSavingsNmore.com.


Lightyear Wireless IS Exploding across the country!


Lightyear Wireless Mission is Simple:

To help people SAVE money by eliminating their wireless bills and
to help people MAKE money by teaching others to do the same!