It's about choosing companies that really want to make a difference and help the less fortunate. For instance, I endorse Zuma Office Supply because they donate 50% of their profits to a charity of your choice & who donates 20% of their profits to charity.
It is also MY VISION at to make a difference as well.
I donate 20% of my profits from to the following charities.
"Sales With A Purpose!" Making a Difference! One Customer at a Time!
We're all Called to Help each other have the basic necessities in life!
Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Medical Care!
With over 2,500 of the most popular online shopping websites, is proud to have one of the largest databases of money saving websites online today. is always a work-in-progress and my work to help you save money is never complete.
With just TWO CLICKS, you are on your way to shopping at your favorite online shopping sites and also helping make a difference as well. Choose your category in the left column and then choose your store you would like to shop at! It doesn't get any easier than this!!
EVERY DAY I count my blessings and THANK GOD for what he has provided for me and my family. Now it is time to pass some of that good fortune on to the less fortunate.
Instead of going directly to Expedia, Best Buy, CompUSA, or Office Depot; just to name a few. Start your online shopping at and the charities listed above will benefit from your purchase. Don't change where you currently shop online, Just Change where youSTART.
I Pray that you will join me on this journey and Help Me Make a Difference by Starting your online shopping experience at
Making a Difference! One Customer at a Time!
"Sales With A Purpose!" Don Buxkemper
(Currently only Commercial Electricity)
(Minimum to Qualify... 20,000KWH / Year)